súHRa in Executive search

“He does not tHRive on tHeir tuRf. They are losing tHeir neRve. He deterioRates. He Rusts. A misHap, a failuRe… they wHispeR. He is a tHoRn in tHeiR side, tHRow him under the bus. Who will usHeR in the HeRo?“

Your expectations as that of a client from filling in a strategic vacancy are high. That is why you need to find the best candidate available on the market. You are looking for a partner capable of a successful selection process. A partner you can trust, a partner you can synchronize with in terms of your expectations, goals, attitudes, communication, partnership.

Without synchrony, achieving the goal is difficult, sometimes almost impossible. To synchronize with you is our goal. Because it leads to victory, both yours and ours. We synchronize with you by taking the following steps: 

We communicate, we collect information 

  • At the beginning of the search process, we clarify in detail the following with you:
  • The vacancy – responsibilities, tasks and expectations of the candidate, requirements in terms of – experience, personality, specific expectations, position history, adaptation process, professional growth opportunities, development, career advancement.
  • Work environment – the team, the manager, relations, the team‘s mindset.
  • We ask many questions about your company, its culture, values, direction, goals, social program, organization, inside relations

We create a final professional and personality profile

  • Based on the information obtained, we precisely define what kind of work experience of what length the candidate should have, what personality type and qualities are best suited to successfully perform the work in view of the specificities of the company work environment, its goals and culture, what relation the candidate is expected to forge with the team or which management style is required of them, etc.

We draft a list of companies the candidates could be pooled from

  • We define the companies as to their line of business and the region, which may be assumed to employ /or have employed in the past/ a candidate with the work experience required. 
  • We let the client approve our list, which subsequently serves as our springboard for the subsequent search.  

Searching for and approaching the candidates 

  • In our search, we use all the sources available with the potential to yield success – direct search, database, professional social networks, recommendations, ads. When the target candidates are identified and approved by you, we take the next step of approaching them. This stage is very important, as we are about to pique the candidate’s interest in the vacant position. Prior to approaching the candidate, it is necessary to compile a list of key advantages, opportunities, benefits of the vacant position and those offered by your company.  
  • If the candidate’s response to the opportunity presented by us is positive and meets the position requirements, we set up a meeting with them. 

We make a thorough assessment of the candidates and recommend them to you  

  • The aim of the meeting is to get to know the candidate, their work experience, carreer path and direction, their personality, management style, their motivation behind expressing their interest in the vacancy the best we can.   
  • We ask behavioral questions at the meeting and try to fill in all the “white spaces“ on the candidate‘s map. 
  • Complex profiles of the best candidates are forwarded to you. Depending on the difficulty and uniqueness of the search project, the number of those profiles ranges from 2 to 5. 
  • We are able to recommed suitable candidates to you within a 3 to 5-week period. 

We make a thorough assessment of the candidates and recommend them to you  

  • The aim of the meeting is to get to know the candidate, their work experience, carreer path and direction, their personality, management style, their motivation behind expressing their interest in the vacancy the best we can.   
  • We ask behavioral questions at the meeting and try to fill in all the “white spaces“ on the candidate‘s map. 
  • Complex profiles of the best candidates are forwarded to you. Depending on the difficulty and uniqueness of the search project, the number of those profiles ranges from 2 to 5. 
  • We are able to recommed suitable candidates to you within a 3 to 5-week period. 

We successfully close the search project 

  • After you have chosen the most suitable candidate following the meetings, we continue to be in sync with the client and the candidate. We maintain a regular contact with both the candidate and you and should we register any signals of dissatisfaction, we look into how to resolve them together with you. 
  • The guarantee period is agreed on individually, depending on the position seniority 
  • We rejoice when our syncHRony meets your expectations 
  • We do everything to ensure that you receive what you expect. That you fill in your vacancy with the best candidate.  
  • We walk in syncHRony to common victoHRy. Because your victoRHy is our victoRHy and we are ready to by in syncHRony with you should a next search project crop up in the future.